Trick or treat! These three words have such power on a night like tonight because it means that Blevin and Caleb come home with a pumpkin full of candy!! We started our festivities on Wednesday when we made cookies, decorated them and delivered them to our neighbors. It was fun and they were all very appreciative!!

This afternoon we started by carving our pumpkin (the first time we have had a chance as a fam this week) and we have a little way to share the gospel while you carve that we got from our church last year - so we did that and then off to get the candy or booty!! We went with our friends Terry and Mary Ann and their kids- suprisingly- there was no one out (Friday night football) so we got lots of candy! Caleb's bag was so heavy that he could barely carry it by the end- but he would not let go of it! Caleb actually got the most- I guess 'cause he was so cute when he said trick or treat and thank you!! It was fun and now I can enjoy all their efforts- kit kats and snickers!! 

Our friends- Luke-Kate- Taylor
Enjoying the "Booty!"