Making cookies with me!! Seth took this picture and you can obviously tell that I had not showered!! But it was fun and I love my helpers in the kitchen!
Christmas 2016
8 years ago
Making cookies with me!! Seth took this picture and you can obviously tell that I had not showered!! But it was fun and I love my helpers in the kitchen!
Our friends- Luke-Kate- Taylor
Enjoying the "Booty!"
Caleb does not have two black eyes- I tried to make him look a little like Johnny Depp and this is how it ended up looking!!my sweet friends- angie-amanda-ginny-catherine-me-jenny-mary martha
(don't worry katie- you were missed dearly)
Our little joeys
going to pet the sleeping pig- he did not mind- just kept sleeping
checking out the orangutans (spelling?) or monkeys - that is what every species is to us!!
looking at these nasty naked mole rats- they looked like hairless mice with big teeth-they were gross, but of course Blevin loved them!Hopefully this will help keep all of our friends and family up to date on what is going on in our lives!